Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon at the back of the leg, which connects your calf muscles to your heel bone, with the main site of pain typically about 3cm above the top of the heel bone.


Like most inflammatory conditions, you may find that your pain is worse for those first few steps in the morning, or getting up after sitting down.

Some advice if you think you might have some form of Achilles tendon pain…


While we have a great system in place to treat it, it is definitely one of the more challenging conditions to get on top of, so it’s best to act as soon as you can.


You see, unlike a sore arm which you can rest using a sling, we rely on our Achilles tendon with every step we take as we go about our day to day activities – making it extremely hard to rest!


That’s why we come at it from many different angles to make sure we get on the front foot to get you better, quicker.


We correct any biomechanical and gait issues that may be contributing to your pain, and also proactively engage one or more of our Orthotique network modalities such as Hyperbaric Oxygen, PRP injection therapy and Shockwave therapy to make sure we get you better, quicker and for longer.