Heel Pain

Heel pain is what we call an umbrella term that covers literally any type of pain in or around your heel – like saying that you have a tooth ache, for example.


Heel pain covers traditional heel spurs, bone bruising, stress fractures, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, Posterior Tibialis Tendinopathy, and nerve impingement to name a few.


All heel pain, but all slightly different – and as such, all potentially different treatments.


If you’re an athletic person, or spend long periods of time on your feet for work or play, you’ll probably at some stage develop one form of heel pain or another. Sometimes this will just last for a few days, and other times, it can last for a lot longer.


Either way, these overuse, or repetitive strain injuries will develop if:


  • You take up a new sport, or return to training after a long break
  • You start at a new job, school, university which involves much more walking
  • You change the type of shoes you’ve been wearing to sport
  • You have biomechanical risk factors that make you susceptible to injuries


So when you come to us with heel pain, we’ll work out exactly what it is so that you leave with an exact knowledge of what is causing your pain, why it is happening (whether it is biomechanics, or simply overuse for example), and a clear plan on how we can treat it together.