Our Story

We’re only young, but we have quickly built a reputation for excellence in sports podiatry, orthotic and footwear prescription.


We offer our clients a unique blend of personal and professional service – a service built on years of professional training and experience in a highly specialised area of podiatry, delivered in a fun, personal and welcoming environment.


But podiatry is just the start of what we do at Orthotique!


Through our unique approach to healthcare and physical activity, we aim to be an advocate and enabler of physical activity participation for everyone – no matter what stage of life they are in.


With access to the very best in orthotic and musculoskeletal recovery services, our clients get first class access to their very own sports medicine team, right there in their corner.




Because we know that many lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes for example, can potentially be prevented or controlled through participation in healthy physical activity of any kind. On the flip side, physical inactivity is a risk factor for so many preventable lifestyle diseases.


And if this inactivity has anything to do with foot pain, we want to help.


So you see, whether it’s about getting you back on the field, or just getting you to a stage where you can walk around the block to keep active, we would love to be involved and play a role in bringing about healthier outcomes through what we do.