PRP Injection Therapy

Move over cortisone…there’s a new player in town. Natural, no side effects, and great results!


PRP uses your body’s own healing agents – called platelets – to help you heal injured tissues like tendons, ligaments and even bones.


Whenever we get injured, platelets rush over to protect and start healing the area.


Except sometimes, there just aren’t enough of these little good Samaritans around to get the injured tissue to heal on it’s own.


So while we get to work on your orthotics, our sports physicians get to work on trying to get your body to heal itself in a natural and healthy way.


During the course of PRP treatment, a small amount of your own blood is taken out, spun around in a centrifuge to isolate only the components responsible for healing, and then re-injected into the injured site – exactly where you need them.


We’ll let you know if we think you can benefit from PRP, but generally speaking, we find it very useful in conditions like bursitis, muscle strains, plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendon pathologies.